One of the parts I loved was the idea of creating "prosumers" rather than "consumers." Here's the paragraph:
"In a Deliberately Simple church, we ask the people who attend to be prosumers instead of consumers. The word prosumer was coined by futurist Alvin Toffler to describe the psyche of a participant who actively contributes to the experience he or she is enjoying (as opposed to a consumer, who consumes the experience). With a pro(+)sumer, there is more of "it" after the individual has interacted with it. With a con(-)sumer, there is less of "it" after the individual has interacted with it."
Worship and worship services are for prosumers, not consumers. Worship isn't something to be observed, taken or consumed; it's something to be given. It's participatory.
Bench-sitters who consume worship services consume worship. They take away from it. We need more contributors. Prosumers.
Finally a word to categorize what I'm striving to not be! T-rav calls em "the 80-percenters". He says that 20% of the congregation is doing 80% of all the work. People grow the most in Christ when they are serving and are hungry to least that's when I do.
The "what am I going to get out of this" syndrome vs. the "what can I give" has been a hot topic of conversation around our house for months now! We are programmed to be consumers. Look at the blessing we miss out on by taking instead of giving.
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