Darrell Evans
I'm trading my sorrows,As a worship leader, I didn't program this song for years after it came out, because I completely missed the point. On first read the song seems to contain a "prosperity gospel" message, that if you truly put your faith in Christ, you'll never have any problems, sickness, pain, sorrow, or struggle. Although this "prosperity message" is gaining popularity, it doesn't stand the test of Scripture. The world hates followers of Jesus Christ (John 15:18) and will persecute them for keeping His Word (15:20). Jesus promised His disciples "In the world you have tribulation..." (John 16:33).
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying them down
For the joy of the Lord
I'm trading my sickness, I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down, For the joy of the Lord
Yes, Lord
I'm pressed but not crushed,
Persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed.
I am blessed beyond the curse
For his promise will endure,
That his joy is going to be my strength
Though my sorrows may last for the night,
His joy comes with the morning
But Darrell Evans' song isn't denying the first part of John 16:33. It's reminding the Christian that our hope is in the second half of the verse. "Take heart. I have overcome the world." The point of Jesus' comment, and my understanding of "Trading My Sorrows," is about attitude. When we face sorrow, sickness, shame, or pain, we have a choice. We can live life "under the circumstances," and spend our time griping, complaining, and feeling sorry for ourselves, or we can focus our minds on the promise of John 16:33 that Jesus has overcome the world.
I hate broccoli with the white hot intensity of a thousand flames. I'll always wonder why God created broccoli, and beyond that, why He made it healthy. But, I've found I can choke broccoli down if I have a Dr. Pepper in my hand. I hate broccoli, but I love Dr. Pepper. And I've found that if I chew up and swallow a piece of broccoli, and then take a quick chug of Dr. Pepper, the Dr. Pepper quickly washes away the disgusting taste in my mouth that the broccoli left. The knowledge that Dr. Pepper is coming makes the broccoli bearable.
That's the point of the song. In this world, you will have broccoli. But why focus on the broccoli when Dr. Pepper is right around the corner?
Hey Chris, what do you drink to wash down eggs? I doubt Dr. Pepper has the same effect.
Thanks for your insight on this song. Your insight on this song and scripture really brought the meaning of this song to life.
I rotate in as a worship leader at our church and the people enjoy this song and I love playing it and singing it, but now as I read through the end of the book of John, I see this song with a different heart...one that looks up ahead.
Thanks again...God Bless!
thanks for taking the time to break that down. I was afraid to lead this song because of the "prosperity gospel" that could be so easily applied. I'm doing this, I'm doing that. I'm O.K. I'm blessed and so on. But persecution, poverty, and rejection come with the cross because this fallen world hates Christ and the hope he brings. Attitude. It's all on the heart you have while you sing the song.
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