
I'm working really hard right now with a team of guys to develop some mentoring materials that will be useful tools for Christians who are interested in beginning to be intentional about developing other Christ-centered people. I'm increasingly convinced of the power of intentional relationships when it comes to maturing as a Christian.

However, as hard as we're working on finishing this tool, I'm also increasingly convinced that the tool is one of the least important components of mentoring. We want to write something that is transferable - to give young believers some tracks to run on in developing other Christ-centered people - but we're not looking for a silver bullet; those don't exist.

I once heard Zig Ziglar say "You can teach people what you know, but you reproduce who you are."

He's right. A good tool, book, resource, whatever, is important - but only insofar as it gives a person a vehicle through which they can reproduce who they are. The very best resource will fall flat if a person is not serious about being a Christ-centered person. Similarly, the most tedious, boring, unclear resource will often yield good results provided it is being used by someone who is a Christ-centered person himself.

Who you are is more important than the book you're using. The book simply helps teach information. You reproduce who you are.


Jill said...

I agree totally! I'm a 25+ year discipler on three continents and am convinced that no out-of-the-box curriculum matters as much as life-on-life influence, companionship and pilgrimage.

I coordinate discipleship & spiritual formation for Shore Community Christian Church in Auckland, NZ and am chaplain at a local university. People rarely talk about the book I gave them that changed their life. They do remember conversations in the rain or over a cuppa and the fact that I was there when their faith or life was messy.

Thanks for your comments, today and often.
J. Shaw