Poor People and the Church

Last week I got the chance to visit with the head of an organization that is doing extraordinary ministry with the homeless community in Dallas about how churches can reach out and truly help those who are poor and disenfranchised. It was a long, very helpful conversation. Here are a couple of the things I've been chewing on: 

If life is a 100 yard dash, you started at 95 yard line due to no fault of your own. If you don't succeed, shame on you. Just remember there are lots of people standing in the parking lot trying to get into the stadium due to no fault of their own.

Laziness and stupidity is spread across the socio-economic continuum at an almost identical depth.

If we'll stop treating the poor like a trip to the zoo, people's perception of the poor will change.

- There are very few places on the planet where poor people are treated as partners and peers. 

- How can Christians worship a homeless guy on Sunday and then rush past the first one they see on a sidewalk on Monday?

- The church cant do much for the poor the way they attack it. You can do an awful lot for people when they are your friend and you truly care about them.


Mike and Debbie said...

God has really been teaching me about those less fortunate than me over the past 2 years as I ride the city bus around town and take the commuter train to Dallas...teaching me to see them through His eyes...teaching me to reach out and love them as He would. I didn't realize the prejudices I had until He began working on me in this area. Now, I absolutely love to love on them, whether it be sharing a protein bar, bottle of water...or a listening ear and prayer. It's funny, I don't see them as any different than me, anymore...and God never did.