If you've read anything by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, (Building Your Company's Vision, Built to Last), you're familiar with "BHAGs." BHAG stands for "Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal," and it's Collins and Porras's contention that every organization needs them in order to succeed. 

I'm equally convinced that every person needs at least one BHAP - Big, Hairy, Audacious Prayer. 

What specific prayer are you praying these days that is so Big, Hairy and Audacious that if God doesn't show up it cannot be done? 

If you don't have one, you're missing a great opportunity to see God at work through your life in your world. You're also making a statement about the size of your God or the extent to which you truly believe He wants to work in the world. 

If you really believed Matthew 19:26, and Philippians 4:13, and John 14:13 were true (and I could go on and on), what big hairy audacious prayer would you be praying? 


Kara said...

It is hard for me to identify one right now as the big one...but I clearly remember praying for a child for years...literally and having doctors tell me that "they" would do whatever they could to help. Well I prayed for this minute by minute and GOD helped us, no doctors necessary! He did work through our lives during that difficult time and now we have 3 miracles not just 1! He can do awesome things through you, you just have to believe. I love to look back and be reminded of that...thanks!