"For congregations that are not growing, there are two choices: 1) The congregation can redefine the vision to match the performance. This is like the child who shot arrows at the wooden fence then drew a bulls-eye around each one where it landed. Sadly, this dumbing-down response to doldrums and decline is widespread. Empty churches rent their facilities to other groups and call them "ministry partnerships." Pastors count new activities instead of new disciples. But there is a better alternative. 2) The congregation can begin the journey, in truth and love, toward accountable leadership. And a clear understanding of accountable leadership is half the journey.
The other half is implementing an honest yet grace-based plan that sets a pastor up for success, and then waiting to see if success is forthcoming. The grace aspect allows ample time; provides ample support; and, when necessary, offers ample help for transition to another job if the pastor cannot lead the congregation to fulfill its mission. "What?" some might say, If the pastor can't lead, then we need a new pastor? Isn't that a little harsh?" Not if you treat people with dignity (e.g., generosity with time and money). But each congregation has to make its own decision: Is the purpose of our ministry to provide secure jobs for our staff? Or is the purpose to accomplish our share of the Great Commission?
Seems the author is saying that good leadership in a church always results in numerical growth. While that is often true, is it always true? How would you decide if the reason the church wasn't growing numerically was the leadership of the pastor or the community and culture the church was around?
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