Goal #2 - Process

So, what does it look like to pour your life into someone else?

Actually, you're going to be disappointed with my answer: intentionality, relationship, and time.

There isn't a specific "10-steps to pouring" plan. There isn't a silver bullet set of books or resources that guarantee success when it comes to this kind of thing. Just do something.

In the past, I've benefited from regular appointments with men where I was able to ask them any question I wanted. I've benefited from going through one-on-one discipleship material. I've benefited from reading a book with another person and discussing its content and how it applies to my life. I've benefited from going through a one-year-Bible with another person, and meeting weekly to discuss what we're learning.

When it comes down to it, it really doesn't matter what you do as long as an intentional relationship exists over time.

Pouring your life into someone is different from just "doing lunch," because it's intentional; there's a purpose. It's different from just a business meeting or completing a checklist together; we grow in relationship, not by checking boxes. And, there is no quick method to pouring your life into another person; it takes time.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not disappointed in your answer at all. Thanks for answering both my questions. The 5 criteria from Tuesday's post were an excellent and succinct articulation that helped me realize where I've missed the boat in trying to help other guys. Fortunately, the guy I'm working with now nailed all 5 of those, and we're setting goals for this year. We've become good friends along the way. God is good.