Power of a Mentor

I had a meeting last night and didn't get to watch the Major League Home Run Derby that is a part of All Star Weekend. But all I've heard this morning is about Josh Hamilton's record-breaking 28 home runs in the first round. What was even better was to see that the man who Hamilton chose to throw him batting practice was a 72 year old man who had been a mentor to him, and helped lead Hamilton out of a time when he was making some extremely destructive choices.

Hamilton isn't out of the woods yet as far as sobriety is concerned, and a part of me is concerned that he is receiving so much spotlight so soon. My prayer is that he will be able to live out Hebrews 12:1-2, keeping his eyes focused on Jesus, because the fall from a pedestal hurts a lot worse than a fall from your knees.

Even still, the story from last night was so compelling. It was so neat to see a 72 year old man living the dream - throwing batting practice in Yankee Stadium, in the home run derby, to a man who set an all-time record for the most home runs in the first round of the derby. All because this man saw something worth salvaging and developing in the life of another person.

It's a great reminder: if you take the time to pour your life into the life of another - especially if they're an unlikely recipient of your attention - they will never forget you.