What are we known for?

I just had a great lunch with three of the guys in our young adult ministry who are a part of the group of guys studying and teaching through the New Testament in our classes this year. We were talking about 1 Corinthians 1, and how Paul makes such a big deal about the fact that his message is Christ and Him crucified.

I wonder what would happen if we had walked downtown and done an impromptu "Man on the Street" interview with the people walking by. I wonder if we had asked them to describe the message of Christianity in a sentence what they would have come up with.

My guess is that we would have received hundreds of answers: Christianity is about being pro-life, anti-homosexual, conservative, pro-family, pro-moral reform and ethics...

I wonder how many people would have said, "Christianity is about Christ and Him crucified?"

It's okay to be a lot of the things listed above, but when those things become the message, something is seriously wrong. What are you known for? What do you stand for? Is it Christ and Him crucified, or something else?