The Prodigal God

I've been on something of a dry spell recently as far as great books are concerned. I've read a couple of decent books and several bad books but haven't read many great books worth writing about.

Last week I got the opportunity to teach the Young Singles at our church on Luke 15:25-32. As a part of my study I read "The Prodigal God" by Tim Keller.

Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, and seems to be something of a mentor to the New Reformed Movement of younger pastors. I've only recently become acquainted with him, but love virtually everything I've heard and read.

The Prodigal God is an exposition of Jesus' parable in Luke 15:11-32. I grew up thinking of this parable as the parable of the "Prodigal Son," in which a son goes out, squanders his inheritance, eats with the pigs, comes to his senses, and is embraced by a loving father. The moral of the story was always "don't be bad, but if you are, God is willing to take you back with open arms."

Keller points out that the story is actually about two sons. The older son is as separated from the father - as lost as the younger son even though the older son never left home. We just don't think about the older son because most of us resemble him too closely.

This book will take you an afternoon to read, and it will be the best afternoon of your week. Pick it up, and then comment after you've read it to let me know what you thought.


Andy Rodriguez said...

I've got it with me here in Japan, but saving it for the travel back to America in a couple weeks. Looking forward to the read.

C and P McKinzie said...

John MacArthur also recently wrote a book with the same spin.