
I mentioned last week that I taught Luke 15:25-32 as a part of our 4-week Eikon worship time. When we think about the story of the "Prodigal Son," we normally think the moral of the story is, "Don't be bad; but if you are, God will take you back."

Today, there is a trend of churches who are focused on people like the younger son. Most of the newer books I read, blogs I read, and "cutting edge" churches I follow are seeking the wayward son. Their mission statements talk about turning "irreligious people into passionate followers of Christ."

Many of those churches, pastors, and books are making a significant contribution to the Church as a whole. They stretch our categories and force us to think more clearly about what is really important. But they aren't complete. They only address one of the brothers.

I'm increasingly convinced that we need more churches devoted to turning "religious people into passionate followers of Christ."

Fort Worth, Texas is not known for its party scene. This isn't the place prodigal high schoolers line up to visit on Spring Break. By and large, Fort Worth is a place full of socially conservative, moral, middle-class, religious, lost people who show up to church every Sunday. Most of my conversations are not with people who have knowingly squandered everything they had on a licentious lifestyle; they are with people who have a robust 401k, responsible job, good looking family, and no relationship with Christ. I have to convince people they're separated from the Father before they can ever be found - you can't be found if you don't know you're lost.

It's important to provide a place for younger brothers out there, but also important to remember that the Father cares for both of his sons.


lisa said...

I'd estimate that 90% of 'lost' people don't consider themselves lost.

maybe more.