Really Great Day

Yesterday was a great day.

We announced plans for one of our young adult groups to plant a new group. God has raised up a group of rock solid leadership for the new class, and the class that is planting the new group is excited to see how God is expanding their influence. When you use the language of a "plant" rather than language of "division" or "splitting," I think it helps communicate the idea of expansion rather than subtraction.

We're going to take a core couple or two from the original young married class, as well as a mentor couple, and then use our six-week 2to1 premarital preparation class to feed into the new young married class. Yesterday, I got word that our 2to1 premarital group is going to be busting out of the room we had planned to use. Nothing like having to search for a bigger space!

In the young singles ministry yesterday, we got a glimpse of how God is still working today. One of the guys in our ministry taught Acts 4-8 in our Summit project. This is a guy who, just a couple of years ago, wasn't able to get out of his car to come inside because of such severe social anxiety. Yesterday he did a rock solid job teaching the class. There is nothing more fun than getting to watch God change lives over time.

Then, last night we spent the evening with the Union (young married ministry) watching the Giants beat the giants. Somehow I don't think the Patriots had seen several of the Giants' plays on surveilance video before this game!