Defending the Faith - Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson is the founder and president of Prison Fellowship, and author of a host of books and articles including a new book: "The Faith."

- The Great Commission is not about making converts; it's about making learners.

- The problem in the church today is that we have bought into a lie. We have transferred our allegiance from Truth to therapy.

- As a marine, I learned to do : Survey the field, serve the troops, give them a bigger vision... of a cause greater than themselves. Give them the challenge: "Follow me."

- If you're a shepherd and a leader, your job is not to pander to your people. It is to lead them. Lead them to defend the Truth and defend the faith.

- I respect all religions and belief systems, but I follow mine because they're True.

- Stop blaming the culture when everything goes wrong. The culture's sacked because we live under the fall. Culture is nothing but religion incarnate.

- What is Christianity? A conversation? Religion? Relationship with Christ? Church? None of those things... well, all of those things... but not just one of those things. John 1:1. "Logos" referes to all knowledge which has ever been or can ever been known. It is a worldview and a way of seeing all things through the eyes of God.

- Truth claims that Christianity demands: (1) God is. (2) He has spoken. (3) This is a fallen world. (4) The Birth of Christ is not just about a baby in a manger. (5) Unity is our condition.

- What's problem with the world today? I am. We're the problem. If you get that wrong, you'll get your theology wrong.

- A conversion is not when you raise your hand. It is when you go to the cross yourself and the old person is turned in. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.

- It's not about whether you like the music. No! You're a part of a community.

- [Evangelism:] We don't impose, we propose.

- Don't say stupid things like "There is no Truth." Sure there is. There is Truth and you can know it. Without Truth there can be no freedom, liberty, or morality.


lisa said...

we don't impose, we propose.

man, that's good.