Happy Birthday

My blog turned three yesterday. Honestly, after my first couple of posts, I wouldn't have bet you a dollar I'd still be doing this today. In fact, some of you who have mentioned starting blogs know that I caution most people against it. Blogs can become a beast that you have to feed in order for them to survive.

It's fun to go back over some of my older posts to see how my perspectives have changed in just three years. A couple of them are embarrassing, a couple of them are funny, and one or two of them have things that I don't remember writing, but am fairly proud of.

I've read a couple of blogposts from others recently about how to get more readers for your blog. Honestly, like I said a few weeks ago, I couldn't really care less if my blog has readers or not. The blog is for me to process things I'm thinking about and leadership lessons I'm learning so I can refer back to them in the future. Readers and commenters are nice because they force me to think carefully and write precisely, but ultimately you guys just get to be a mouse on the wall of my brain. Sometimes that's good, sometimes that's bad, and occasionally it's just plain ugly.

Happy Birthday to dialogos - even if the dialogue is only with the voices in my head.