
We started a new series yesterday at McKinney called "Satisfied?" It's a series in the book of Ruth, which deals (among other things) with principles that enrich all of life's relationships.

I had a conversation yesterday with someone who was surprised we were going through the book of Ruth. You don't hear a lot of churches covering Old Testament books.

This is the third Old Testament book we've covered this year, and I'm really excited to be at a church that values the Old Testament as highly as the New.

Lots of churches camp out in the New Testament because it's easier. There's an extra step in interpreting and applying the Old Testament to the Church because the Old Testament was written to Israel, not the Church.

But, the Old Testament reveals Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27). When Paul said that "all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable" (2 Timothy 3:16), he would have been understood at that point to be talking primarily about the Old Testament.

Some of the books of the Old Testament sound eerily contemporary (Malachi, Amos). Some of them transcend culture and worship-styles (Psalms, Proverbs). Others, like the book of Ruth, demonstrate great lessons for practical living in relationship under the reign of a Sovereign God. You don't get much more practical than that.

If you're in Fort Worth for the next few weeks, I'd encourage you to make it a commitment to be around for these next few weeks. The people closest to you will be glad you did.


Brenda Liniger said...

I hope you are doing okay your first day back to work and away from Casen, your sweet little baby boy!

Kitty said...

and in your study of Ruth, it would be LOVELY if you didn't minimize the pain and sorrow of Naomi. If a mother loses two sons and a husband during a famine in another land, a woman might take it personally. It might be devastating. It also lets her take the provisions of God personally. He gives AND he takes away. If you paint Naomi compassionately, it only makes Ruth more of a heroine, not less.