Go Time

We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog entry for a special bulletin from Labor and Delivery.

The Freelands have entered the building.

Rumblin' started about 3am on a fairly consistent basis. I was blissfully unaware of the situation until 5:45 when I woke up to go to work and Kari told me to keep the cell phone handy. About 9am she told me she called the doctor to beg for pain medicine and they told her to come on in to check things out.

We waited on him forever, and she was starting to get impatient. I said, "you know, you could really speed this up if your water would just break."

Thirty seconds later, it did.

I'll keep you posted. Right now, Kari's pretty okay with me liveblogging from the delivery room. Once we get closer to time (the doctor thinks sometime this evening), my updates will be a little less frequent.

If you're in the FW area, thanks for praying for us. You might wait to stop by until after the baby's born - as much as Kari loves being cheered on, I'm not sure this is a spectator sport!


Unknown said...

Go Chris and Kari! We are rootin' for you (and praying)! Keep us posted!

Michael Minshew said...

we're very happy for you and praying for you!!

Graham said...
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Chris Freeland said...
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Molly Smith said...

Praying for you guys!! :)
