
This "being a dad" thing is pretty cool. It's also a pretty huge learning curve. Here are a few of the lessons I've learned.

1. "Apart from Me, you can do nothing" is absolutely true. If I didn't believe in a Sovereign God, I don't think I could do this thing. When he whimpers, cries, or coughs in the middle of the night, God has to be in control.

2. I married well. There is nothing greater than a wife who knows how to love sacrificially.

3. Hormones suck.

4. Children really are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3).

5. The "fearfully and wonderfully made" thing is absolutely true too (139:14). Casen was born, and knew how to eat immediately. He's pretty sharp, and has to have been given that instinct by God.

6. Sometimes, you sacrifice without even thinking twice, just because love is so deep (Romans 5:8)

I'm sure there will be more to come. More pictures if you're interested:


lisa said...

soooo true.

especially the "God HAS to be in control" part. If I didn't have the assurance that God is good, and He's the boss, I could never be a parent.

Good thing we have the ultimate Father role model to show us what love looks like.